

and so I weep
Can I still have a blessed day
if I am already cursed?
How can God love me
when I am at my worst?
How can anyone love me anymore?
How can I love me?
And so I weep
And so I weep
And then I perish

Where does the love go
when all of me has died inside?
Is all the love I have to give
eradicated or tossed aside?
Misdirected or misguided?
All of the “I’m sorry’s”
cannot help or save me now
And so I weep
And so I weep
And then I perish

My mother is devastated
My father is angry
And rightfully so
I should’ve given up that dream
a long time ago
But I can’t give up on me
even though nothing seems
to set me free
Not even the truth
Oh, how it bleeds
And so I weep
And so I weep
And then I perish

The other day
I thought it was cruel
that life or time does not stop for anyone;
the living or the dying,
the successful and the suffering,
the lonely and the meek,
the hurting and the abused,
the happy and the joyful,
the righteous and the unrighteous
The sun shines and the clouds rain down
on them all
And so I weep
And so I weep
And then I perish