

Year as treasure
It starts with summer,
hot and hard,
popsicle,ice creams,
and ac oning card.

May be at the end of the June,
cool winds and thunder,
showing it may rain soon.

Farmers with happiness and joy,
but also heavy, stromy,
rainfall cry.

Peacock dancing and bouncing,
and trying to fly,
after some days we,
children sigh.

No place to play,
everything covered,
with mud clay.

Everything water and wet,
no way to be,
your routine set.

Then starts crystal fall,
all lights and trees,
glowing tall.

So clod and freezing,
but no way to play in,
snow is heazing.

Then it completes one year,
where we learn to,
overs cross fear.

365 day and no,
bad call,
everyone loves year,
at all.
© Saee