

Mind decieves the Heart
“Excited about it, and yet it is the very thing I have learned I fear the most. It is no surprise I haven’t known of its true existence, but today I feel that while it slowly drifts like ocean waves far, far away. I find myself in need of it. Yet I’m afraid it’s a bit much too late. The candle that once burned high in flames slowly fades away of my undeniable shame. I know not of me tomorrow, I know not of me today, what I do know of, is this feeling I can’t help that dreads in pain. Like a needle injected through my every vain. Allow the venom to consume my entire being while my heart shatters, distraught I feel from my mind which has deceived me into deep despair. Oh lord father, I deeply hope the path I’ve spoken to you of you have already chosen instead of me. Father, I am truly lost in sight and I couldn’t see that there she was, a true beauty standing right in front of me”
© Johnny Cigars