

Creative and driven
Bound to succeed
Seeing opportunity
Where others concede
To recognize the truth as truth,
live the opposites,
To feel everything in every way,
and be nothing, in the end,
but the understanding of everything

Knowing their limits
Yet exceeding them at times
With each new venture
Their status now climbs
Giving back as they go
Regardless of ego
The capitalist spirit In the form of a pro
When one idea is finished
Another is started
Taking so much risk Is not for the faint hearted

Let there be a fully promoted and always protected Bill of Rights Let there not be assaults of,
But encouragement of Free Enterprise
Let there be more
Term Limits of politicians and less special privileges Let there be the exaltation of the individual Let there be the expansion of Entrepreneurship Let there be no loss but multiplied gains of greatness

© John Mohamed Mosere