

Trapped thinking.
Cant see my tears when it rains,
Nor thoughts that keep me in chains.
Pouring down, It doesn't stop.
Looking for cover, drop by drop.
Shivering to the bone,
Wondering why I hate being alone.

The journey has been eternal,
Days mesh together; becoming nocturnal.
Drowning in this torrential downpour,
losing the fight within, perhaps the war.
Every action has a price to pay,
Will I ever find my way?

Looking for the easy way out,
an exit does exist, another route.
Through the chaos a brief intermission,
A layout for a new mission.
Some clarity in the storm,
an umbrella, a helping hand, so out of the norm.

The sun began to shine,
it was what I've been waiting for, a sign.
The opportunity to pause,
to see the main cause,
Finding a way to stand on my own two feet,
no longer stuck in the rain and off beat.