

My lost Childhood
#WritcoPoemPrompt49 @AtulPurohit
The days of slate and chalk,
Are not easy to erase,
They hold memories,
Of my childhood,

The boxes of lunch
The crayons of bunch
the unforgettable memories
now starts fade in mind

The race for the first
Cry for calling mommy
those fights for the right
being a good student
Infront of teacher
those were the days
making my memories memorable.

That child's nature
making innocent faces
the playground play
the amusement of falling
that terrific cry
we just hold up to memories

That sweetness of candies,
lollipops, ice- creams
fill the sweetness like heaven
the wait for our shows
we can't get that time once again

No tension of studies
no tension for exams
don't wanna be a big personality
no money but still happy
Just play play and play .

That cute expression melts
my heart
Now I ask God may I get that time once again
God chuckled and said you had lived your that time
now it's time for another one
you can't live live every moment like that but you can atleast live sometime like those days.

My those childhood days with the sweetness of sugar, happiness of games with friends, no care for future just live like royal,
just move out and see the world
lives life to the fullest OOO god I want my childhood returns ...

If I got a chance to live those days I am not gonna loose it 😁😁 and what do you do and please tell me what was the craziest thing you have done in your childhood😁😁😁
# writco #behappy#livelikelegend

© payal1417111#WritcoPoemPrompt49