

My Hero
The past hadn't a happy beginning
Hurtful words were thrown while you're listening
Accused you of being incompetent person
That I understand now and might encounter soon

Living in the house is like hell
As the coconut wine I always smell
Never had a day that you are not drunk
The pilot of the coconut tree fills the tank

Mama and you were made for each other
Sometimes sweet but always picked one another
When you were drunk, she realized to have had marry someone better
And decided to leave you than be a bloody martyr

Her sentiments planted in my mind
Pushing her to leave you behind
Counting on the deeds you made
Is like a shadow hiding under the tree's shade

I can't see it and seems like your efforts were obscure
As I took another angle of the picture
Candid images of endless love were captured
None of it I've ever imagine was treasured.

To my hero, the word sorry is lacking
And being your daughter is embarrassing
I don't deserve your love and affection
Because a father like you is the epitome of perfection.