

Don't mind to be called a beauty robber!
I seek the beauty of a flower
I want the purity of a child;
I prefer the beauty of a brain
I want the humanity in the list again!
Yeah, I'm a desperate seeker of all of them !!!

I love the challenges of life
I love to make adventure just like a wild;
I want the rebellion to flow in my vein
I love to seek the truth even if it pain!
Yeah,I'm a crazy runner to hanker after them !!!

I beg for the grace of my Lord
I pray for the love of my family ;
I desire the true relationship with my friends
I yearn for the affection from people around me!
Yeah, I'm a greedy to acquire all of them!!!

Again, I'm the desperate love seeker...
I don't mind to be called
Cause, I know what I'm craving for!