


Does life have to be tantamount to sessional plantations?
Budding with life to blooming flowers and alas dry and cleared for the next cultivations..
Are we seeds setting roots fertilized,bear fruits just to eventually meet the axe?
Let me be a cactus plant isolated in the furnace of the desert struggling for moisture yet harboured with freedom.

Show me the one with fingers that will fill the tranches dug with constant tears,
With feet that do not spring in a marathon at the sound of my burden with fear.
Too many hugs and comforting hands with words of empathy direct translating to "you are alone"
Loved only when standing tall just to be tripped to the ground...

Show me the one that can hold the sun,melting just to let it set when l finally smile.
That will hear my loud screaming when my lips are still from a mile.
Show me the one that will sooth my blisters from this furnace that I was cursed to be the flaming fuel.
I do not want a seasonal friend that come for the yields and dispose me when l wither and laugh like am a good story to tell .

Show me the one
Because alone I stand with none.

© luisRupende