

A Warrior's Cry
Sharps his steel blade,three scores times' ere the dawn,
Wrathful lullaby within;
faith resorted.
Strength to fall any foe,ire inly;
stilly though,
Battle for a land; his Homeland.
Land of vestal Hearts,
Pulchritude realm,so called,
Land of his Fathers;
circumvallated by thrice of stones.
A fight for a generation,a worthless;
We,a whiten sepulchre,
Land bought of ichors,evanscent.
Inhume,afar the hills;dolour man's tomb,
Can't it be better? he wept.
Abode of perfidious,madding;
now have become.
Lave over by greed;
His homeland.
Lachrymal,for his land; once dwelled.
pumbless tears for the worthless,
that malefic His land.

© Tekasangba walling