

Wonder Woman
A little wonder I've seen in the world,
As I discovered a greater wonder in the Word.
Woman! What is this "wo" in you that makes you differ from a man?
The "wo" that has become such great a wonder that has no ban.

With a careful search, my curious heart found a solace;
As I discovered this strange "wo" behind the man in an ace.
Listen, woman! So you're the wonder behind the man;
For you're indeed the "wonder of man" in disguise which made you "wo-man".

Without you, the wonder part of man cannot be seen;
For you're indeed God's wonder of him behind the scene.
He created you to reveal the wonder he could not contain;
For in you is found that "wo" he cannot attain.

Now rise to become this wonder that has been foretold;
For in you is kept a great story that needed to be told.
This "wo" must now rise from under to be wonder,
When this word become life in you as you ponder.
© Ollimid
#Women #mother #wonders #poem #Perspective