

[ Current ]
Wildly transforming
Toss me in the fire
Refine me to the purest
In all that I aspire
Consume me in affection
Permeate desire
Breathing in the life
Of all that I transpire

Never giving up
Never backing down
Try to keep my focus
As this world keeps spinning round
Trying not to dizzy
Try to keep the ground
Eyes always searching
So I know what is around

But ultimately I
Don’t have much control
Life is always moving
And it never seems to slow
So I try to hold on tight
Because I don’t really know
What will happen the next moment
Just a mystery yet shown

Pursuits of my desires
If but only in a dream
Laid my head upon the pillow
But it isn’t what it seems
Lying there, wide awake
Mind like a machine
Churning, burning constantly
Amygdala in me

Feeling the emotions
Flooding all the roads
New pathways open up
Which way should I go
Currents pull in all directions
There’s so many rabbit holes
So I focus on the light
And it’s wonderments of hope

Capture my attention
Distract me from the pain
Keep me from temptation
Of being led astray
Tired of the letdown
Tired of dismay
But the sun went down and rose again
To show a brighter day

Now rising into hope
A smile on my face
Walked through a war zone
And escaped from the disgrace
Now knowing only passion
Joy set ablaze
Learning to stay happy
Because what I have is grace

Rejoicing in the presence
Knowing I’m alright
Laid my weapons down
For there’s no reason to fight
Victory, right in hand
Manifest delight
As my burdens shed their weight
To the redemption of my life

© HeartOfBabel

#HeartOfBabel #Babel #GaratheDen