

The transition from autumn to winter
Autumn says its final goodbyes,
while darkness creeps into winter skies.
The leaves are all orange and falling like snow,
and the wind cradles them with its cool winter blow.
But the cold seeps in and changes its breeze,
and the frost covers tips of all the Oak trees.
It's the change of the season,
as the leaves all decay.
When a cold winter night,
turns into into a cold winter day.
It's a time to zip up your coat and tie up your shoes,
so you can gaze upon beauty of all whites and blues.
What a sight to see when the snowflakes tumble down,
and you can watch as icy chill removes all the orange and brown.
All that is left of autumn,
will be covered up in snow.
You will never truly see again,
the beauty that you know.
For each season is so different,
with all its snowflakes and its leaves.
So the seasons change and as they do,
so will the elegance of the trees.
Please take a minute to look outside,
just appreciate your view.
Go and glance upon our glorious world,
as it changes from orange to blue.

- @Eowy3539