

Thought of losing you
And the third wheel goes
I am dying but no one knows
I try to breathe but I couldn't
You broke my heart You promised you wouldn't
And I hide The disappointment With happy laughs
And I keep dancing until I can't
No one will ever notice Cause I am not going off
I am distancing myself But it's not on the graph
I will keep the mask on my face
I will not cry so I could be embraced

You really mean the world to me
Something I Don't really deserve
But it really kills me when I already told you
Where did it hurt and you hit exactly that nerve

No one knows me better than you and nobody will
But its always me who's been hurt and then feeling the guilt

I adore you so much and to the point
Where if I ever hurt you, I can kill myself
After listening to you I forget everything
My hard to express emotions I just felt

I am an aggressive person always strive to win the dispute
But I feel it hard to talk to you so I just smile while standing mute

I overthink a lot and I will not deny it
I admit that I do
Because a small change in your behaviour
Made me tremble at the thought of losing you
© breeze_of_feb

#WritcoQuote #writco #sad #Love&love #Love&love💞 #poem #poetrycommunity #Heart #friendship