

Mind/Body/Soul: Inner Peace

To have a healthy mind, body, and spirit, you must be in tune with your higher self or have inner peace with inside yourself. We must exercise, get plenty of rest, and read receptively. When reading the word of God and attending church these days are hypocritical, out for your contributions, and just doesn’t fully send the message clearly. God, say you do not need to go to a church to learn his word, all he asks is that we know his word and live by it, whatever is best for you. It’s as simple as doing while at home in a quiet place. For worship requires your spirit, while exercising focuses on your body and health, last eating nutritious healthy foods are intended for health and your mind so they can grow to best serve you. Repeat those three steps and follow the word of God daily, at least an hour each day. 10% of all earnings should go to God, no matter if it’s in a church, donating charity, helping the needy, even schools. Never allow negativity or ill minded clouted people to block/distract you of your tasks and duties. What is known and learnt of thy will, for them know not what them do. PRAY FOR THEM...!