

The reason I was absent (PS: I won)
Dancing to the beat of my heart,
I feel the rhythm from the start.
The stage is set, the lights are bright,
My spirit soars, taking flight.

With every step and every turn,
I feel my soul begin to burn.
Passion and grace, in perfect sync,
The world around me starts to shrink.

The music swells, my body flows,
My heart and mind become a rose.
The crowd cheers loud, they feel the fire,
Their love and support, my true desire.

In this moment, I am a winner,
A champion, a dancing sinner.
With every move, I claim my fate,
My spirit rises, no time to wait.

For in this dance, I find my power,
A shining star, a blooming flower.
And as the music fades away,
I know that I have won the day.

© AlmaDada