

The inexorable dialect
What is being dumbed
In my throat?
Why it rush to melt out
through My eyes?
Iam sure that is not
Comming out from
Pain or anger
The largest pain is
Not knowing the reason of pain

Let's call it helplessness-
An emigrant's feeling
Why do we have such a
Great deal of languages?
Is one enough and more?
How many dialects
How many accents!

Iam making great efforts
To sound as same as
My fellow beings
Sometimes I win
Sometimes I lose
Yes! Uniqueness is a curse

We all are speaking
The same language.
Still why can't I convey them?
And why don't they get
The same meaning that I meant?
Dealing with them is
As complicated as
Communicating with a

Each dialect is an
Individual language, though
Why do all other communicate
So effectively except me?

I know
Iam no superior to them
N they are no superior to me
I might be speaking
A rare dialect or even
A strange language

I will leave here if I
Get a chance to
Because living without
Self expression is death
Where can I meet
People of my own dialect

© colour pencil