

Drops of relief
I want to feel the rain drops on my parched body,
It is always able to release heat from me,
My eyelids get crushed against each other when it comes near me,
I spread my hand wanting every drop of it,
And when it comes I feel the pain from me escaping,
When it comes faster, every drop hurts but it is negligible to the ratio of scars made by the society, people or rather just humans,
The scented aroma of the wet mud makes no other smell good,
The freezed and dry leaves are now as jovial as they are when they came out of the ground,
The translucent drops make me release all the stress in my mind,
My tears get dissolved among them,
The torment each and every person has given me I promise to pay them back..with interest though,
The rain just make me feel contented, it's qualitative nature is breath taking,
Some people feel the rain but some are only meant to get wet,
And to sum up life is nothing without rain,
Let the rain kiss you.
© Krishna Parmar