

don't forget to remember
I woke up on a Monday morning and it was hard to love myself.

all I could see were my imperfections, my flaws.

it felt like a ton of bricks was weighing me down

that morning it felt like I had forgotten how to love myself, it felt like I never really knew how.

but the funny thing is that i did, I love me, I love my heart, the things I do and the kind of person I choose to be

but on some days it's hard to see past the parts of me I don't love as much

I'm trying though, everyday I am trying

cuz what I think about myself matters so much more than what the world sees me as

I know that, somedays I just need a little reminding

that learning to love myself is a process.

I'm learning to give myself grace, to blindly reach for happiness, to be grateful for the things I do have

to wake up every morning and take the world as my own

I am learning but on some days I forget,

but I guess it's okay if i do from time to time, as long as I pull myself back and remind myself of everything that makes me great.

maybe someday, I won't forget as much.

because there's only one me, and nobodys got me like I've got me.

© tonnaV