

Never Again
Broken chains, shattered hearts
Tangled up in love's cruel arts
What once was whole, now torn apart
Forced to make a fresh new start
We said forever, meant it true
But promises faded, just like me and you
Deception's dagger, twisted and deep
Left me broken, unable to sleep
In this twisted love triangle I stand
A victim, caught in a lovers' demand
Blinded by the alluring facade
But in the end, just a pawn in a fraud
So here's my never again list
For all the love that I have kissed
No more lies, no more deceit
No more heartbreaks, no more defeat
Never again will I fall for false charm
Or get lost in a love's false alarm
Never again will I compromise
My love, my heart, my life, my prize
Never again will I let love consume
All sense and reason, leaving me to assume
Never again will I trust blindly
For love's illusions can be blindingly unkindly
So here's my never again vow
To protect my heart from love's shallow
From this day on, I'll be wise and strong
For never again will I fall for love's wrongs
And so I bid farewell to love's game
Broken but stronger, I'll never be the same
For I've learned the hard way, love isn't fair
But I'll rise again, through the pain and despair
Never again will I let love bring me down
For I've emerged stronger, wiser, and unbound
Never again will I be the victim of love's deceit
For now I stand tall, on my own two feet.
"Never Again"
A poem of strength and pain
A reminder to never let love reign
For it has left me broken, but never again
Will I fall for its twisted, deceptive game.

Authorship by Dr. Dashaun Snipes
©️ Dr. Dashaun Snipes
®️ Never Again

© ApproximatePower