

Let the waving wind whispers the word
It’s the mysterious mind that muffle in the midst
It’s the dizzying dream drown down the dusk
It’s the swiftest soul that swirl to sizzle
It’s the tampering thought that throw thunder
It’s the restless radial that resist to repeat
It’s the fearless forethought that goanna fight
Humming happiness hamper my heart
It’s the tapering temper twist the theme
It’s the sinking song shying to show
It’s the purity of the princess proclaimed the prince
Will the wave full winter bring the welcome
Nor will the piece less picture complete it path
It’s the overflowing ocean oppose the opportunity
Let the shaggy shadow settle for sometimes
It’s the clueless complement ever I earned
It’s the wobbling wound willing to wipe
It’s the breezing breath that break my bone
It’s the humble hope that you hold my hand