

Deed (a pantoum)

If love is supposedly the song of the modern age,
why are there battle-cries filled with hate?
Few practice the Golden Rule offstage
while others treat it like a mandate.

Why are there battle-cries filled with hate?
Many deny or gasp at this trampling thought,
while others treat it like a mandate
in a power-for-peace onslaught.

Many deny or gasp at this trampling thought:
we are giving, but within a border,
in a power-for-peace onslaught
until chaos crumbles to order.

We are giving, but within a border
built on a forgotten cornerstone
until chaos crumbles to order.
Then why is it carved on our tombstone?

Built on a forgotten cornerstone,
few practice the Golden Rule offstage.
Then why is it carved on our tombstone
if love is supposedly the song of the modern age?

© David A. Douglas