

Time Vs Memories
I watch as the clock ticks away
Time moving on from one hour to the next
and when it reaches the 24th,
another day Begins.

I wish inwardly that I would forget
just like the clock
I wish that I could leave behind the ugly memories of the past
but sadly they follow me hauntingly into the next day and the next,

until they become scars
some painful and some just shameful
and it's awful to think of
but I can't escape it

but just like time,
they leave a mark
day by day
they become weaker with time
but the pain never fades
it's always there
lurring carefully until it's peak
and then it's out and then back in again

unlike time
the next day is not just the next
it's a painful reminder of what could have been

poem by Nimbusfeelspoetry

© nimbus feels