

People are not always how we see them to be
Those we called bad are not actually bad
They have some goodness in them
They need someone to bring it out
These people we consider bad act out of how they see their lives to be
They have no idea of how it feels to hurt others
They act based on the pains they've been through
Nobody was born a bad person but circumstances made them so
These people may act as if they don't care about what they are doing
But deep inside,they feel regrets for how they are
They cry deeply in secrets for it all
They wished they could be out of it but there is nobody to help them
Only few people noticed their silence pain
Only few people get to understand their pains
Those people unveil their good personality out
They make them realize what they are inside by showing them love
There are so many people who are under depression because of what they have become
It's so sad when people judge them by just their outward appearance
Their behavior might be bad but when you get closer to them
And you try to understand them,you will get to know how they feel
When you start to show them love,they begin to change
That's when they get relieved from their silence pains.