

Long lost friends
As friends come and go...
I'm Always reminded of that one friend.

That one friend who stayed by my side no matter what.

That one friend that made me fall in love.

*That one friend that had to go.*

As my friends come they always say "I'm by your side. "
At the end who is still there?
The answer is
"nobody" .

As friends go,

They will always say
" I'm sorry this isn't you it's me".
"I need to work on myself but we will talk again ".
Once again you don't ever hear from them again .

I walked out on my porch one morning...
I decided to drink a cup of coffee.

Everyone knows that's what normal people do...

But anyways

Just thinking of how far I've come in my life.
Me telling myself "oh lord how mercy"
"I can't believe I'm 72 years old today"
And my long lost friend still hasn't come back to see me yet.

Long lost friends .
Are the ones that will leave. They will show you what a true friend is and they will make you fall in love with them and all of a sudden leave for good and just stop talking.

Life gets hard .
You can always go to your friends and they will be there . But some friends just decide to leave.

Moral of the story is make sure when you get a friend you are always there for them, Because at the end you will need them .


© cowgirl