

Letter to my Younger Self
Dear little me we don't do cheer anymore truthfully we didn't really like it. Old friends moved on our parents split life went on.

Dear little me I have so much to say. No we don't do Girl Scout's either. We don't really do anything outside of school were kinda boring.

Dear little me our favorite colors aren't pink purple and blue honestly we feel pinks kinda girlie now, and purple is to common,.We still like blue but pair it with black or were basic and lack personality.

Dear little me I have a few last things to say our childhood friend what was his name cant remember started with an L. Haven't seen him in a while. Last time we saw him was years ago. 4 to be exact. we're trying to reconnect don't know how or where he's at in life.

Dear little me were still young but act old we try our best and that's all we can do life's a mess we have new challenges and chapters ahead but we have good friends and you will get through it to.

© jewelwritespoetry