

The desert ship
In sands vast and winds that sweep,
A creature roams, in solitude deep.
With a majestic stride, across dunes it sails,
The desert ship, where adventure trails.

Cloaked in hues of amber, a living art,
A nomad's companion, a world apart.
Upon the shifting sea of golden grains,
The camel treads, releasing ancient strains.

A gentle giant in the sun's fierce gaze,
Carrying tales of ancient, desert days.
With patient eyes that mirror endless skies,
The desert ship through arid realms complies.

Through mirage and mystery, it gracefully strides,
A nomad's ally on endless rides.
In every step, a saga unfolds,
Whispering secrets that the desert holds.

Through oasis dreams and moonlit nights,
The camel journeys, an ethereal sight.
In the boundless canvas where horizons blend,
The desert ship, a steadfast friend.
© zayd