

Letting go
They'll tell you to look to the left if they're in the right,
Erase all memories of them so you dont have hindsight,
And close doors which that for once they didn’t need a key.

They all say it's so easy,
With the movement of their tongue, lips and the thought in their mind,
They all say it so easy, but they don't know doing it brings about the kind of cold that tells you there's more warmth in the hold,
They don't know as you turn right from their left their scent lingers like bad perfume, so u can run but only so far,
So there you are in the hold even though the only heart you know you'll be breaking is your own,
But the heartbreak is easier, because the knife would still cut you both ways when you compare the heartbreak to letting go.

They all tell you to let go
That people born and people grow old
And new wind blows everyday,
But they're not the one having to let go,
So even though you know they'll only bring about acid rain for your pillows
And you'll end up living blue and all alone
You stay in the hold,
Because even though you'll be blue,
It won't be all alone
~It's hard to let go
© Dantewrites