

If you understand
Always felt misheard, rather
when I would speak, it didn’t seem like people understood
or that they didn’t get the depths of me
the depth of what I said, of what I have to say
I hate that it’s this way
I like talking about different things then most, I don’t really care about the gossip
people can do what they want
I want to talk about nature, philosophy, for someone to unwrap with me what’s in my mind all the time.
many things
like what’s out in space?
how weird time is
where we should go, how you feel about the world
and me
I told him while laying in bed about how I worry about death, my time here, and whether I’m spending it the way I should
how insane it is that one little action or decision can alter everything in tremendous ways
he didnt hear me, wasn’t listening
it wasn’t important to him
this is why I keep them in my head
and he didn’t quite understand.
he didn’t see the importance of it
didn’t want to continue it.
question it, dig deeper, I blow my own mind with my thoughts
I feel so deep that it hurts
I look at someone in pain and often times I feel it too
it’s difficult, because I don’t have anyone who can see me the way that you do
~Ava Stevens