

Thoughts come and go,
Mind agitates ,
Becomes restless ,
Swings like a pendulum,
Out in the horizon the western sky sighs,
Scarlet glow visible in the distance,
Flickers through the ethereal trees,
Nature stops and pauses,
Like the wind I want to carry on indubitably,
Dramatic sky sets the stage for me ,
I begin to romance with the universe
Wandering through the valleys of my heart,
I climb the mountains of love ,
Gaze at the river of Life,
I halt and ask questions to myself,
Answers I get a few,
Clear, simple and wrong.
The dusky sky crawls into a darker space,
Light waits to get its prominence,
The logs burning in the fireplace crackle
Like popcorns inside a pressure cooker,
Not noisy yet breaks the silence of the night,
Keeps me awake,
Creates music to my ears,
I carry on wandering around the forest of my dreams,
I move deeper and deeper where
Hundreds of fireflies struggle to lit up the world,
You and I ,we can meet here,
Our eyes will meet,
We'll start dancing to the music of the night,
Our smiles will touch each other
Before, lips start talking ,
Can you hear me?
I need you now.
Solitude triggers the pain,
A slight pathos grips me in the middle,
I stop for a while, I wonder,
Do I ever cross your mind?
I keep turning pages,
My soul fights a battle, gets bruised,
But I can fix it,
If we move into another place in time,
I remind myself that I need you now,
More than ever,
Take me far beyond imagination,
Forever and ever.