

Our Attachment
I can never away from you.

The language of your heart has maddened me
I feel so lonely without you .
My existence is running towards demolition.
I can't feel whether .i am alive
Really you are my heart and soul
So I can never away from you.

Our love will transcend every odd.
As our attachment is everlasting and eternal.
No question never rises for our bond
It is always sweet amd memorable but not fraud
There's sublimation in your love
Divinity always flows rejecting terristrial affinity

You are my breath and faith
Every beat of my heart proclaims your holy name
My day begins and ends in your honour .
You are my dream !
You are my reality!
Proclivity never assuages without your charming touch.

We are physically apart from each other
But my heart always searches
To be in touch with you in every second, minute and hour
Our bond is not transient rather transperant
It will exist not for a day but for years together
And it will be best' platform of love
Where urge for unification two souls to attain divinity is transcendental.

© asaph