Teachers' day
Which is the noble profession in today’s world?
Unquestionably it is the teacher’s profession!
Who is a teacher?
Anyone person from whom someone learns something
What is their role?
To make the other know, appreciate; learn certain subject matter that in turn could enrich the learner’s knowledge.
Are teachers not confined to only the teaching staff at schools and other educational institutions?
No. Along with every newborn child, two teachers are also born invariably.
Teachers in the school play a vital role in shaping the aptitude and attitude and even the character of a student and that’s why their role as teachers gains more significance.
Rest in every other field, where one gets unadulterated knowledge on anything, on any subject or field of specialization, including the realms of social, ethical, and moral behavior, the teaching is explicit. The one who clarifies, trains, explains, and teaches gets...