

Dad - A piece of mine that was never mine
In a world full of love, there’s a bond like no other,
A father and his daughters, their love for each other.
Through laughter and tears, they create memories that last,
A partnership so special, built to stand strong and steadfast.
From the very beginning, he held her in his arms,
His precious baby girl, full of endless charms.
He watched her grow, like a flower in bloom,
Guiding her with wisdom, in every step and every room.
He taught her to dream, to reach for the sky,
To never be afraid, to always aim high.
With pride in his heart, he saw her shine so bright,
His first and best partner, his guiding light.
Through scraped knees and heartaches, he was always there,
Wiping away tears, showing her he does care.
In his warm embrace, she found shelter and peace,
A safe haven away from the world's cruel crease.
They shared countless adventures, hand in hand,
Discovering new wonders, exploring life's grand.
He taught her to ride a bike, to swim in the sea,
To embrace every moment, to claim her destiny.
In his words of wisdom, she found solace and truth,
The comfort of a father's love, the everlasting youth.
He showed her the power of love, the joy it can bring,
And that with open arms, hearts can soar and sing.
Now as time goes on, and she grows into her own,
Their bond remains unbreakable, forever known.
For a father and his daughters, there's a love so rare,
A partnership that echoes, through every breath they share.
In the journey of life, through twists and turns,
They stand together, their love forever burns.
For he is her rock, her pillar of strength,
The one who believes in her, at any length.
So here's to the dad, the first and best partner,
Whose love for his daughters only grows stronger.
For in his presence, she will always find solace,
Her dad, her hero, her first and truest accomplice.
© gratitude for solitude