

dark and gloomy days that leave me with a sigh
are soon replaced, by the memories
of encounters that never occurred,
and the comfort of another’s arms
that i’ve never once felt

this is a new reality, my other world,
in which i live in mentally to forget everything

i’ve spoken about death for so long,
wanting to escape my own life
to rid of this constant suffering and fear,
yet, now that i’m thinking of it,
i’m really already gone,
just in a way that nobody has considered

so, let life beat me down,
let the words of others rip my heart out,
the depression slowly rid of my soul,
and the consequences of my actions take flight

it means nothing to me, not anymore

the truth is, i’m already dead,
but in a way you wouldn’t understand,
because the physicality of me
is still perfectly fine, aside from the scars

my mind, however, has left my body,
it lives in a world that was once so unfamiliar,
but has grown to become my normal,
as it is my new reality

just imagine it,
a world where you can truly be happy

i couldn’t have that, so i created one,
a mental haven
in which i haven’t been hurt or wronged

a place in which i am happy, and free

© vnm.ghst