

Not being happy with your own company is so scary
Settling for anyone because to you “company is company”
Not minding if it’s good or bad is scary.
Watching people who don’t deserve to be in your space disrespect you is scary
The scariest thing is knowing your worth
But acting like you’re on sale for the broke niggas to afford you.
The best thing you can do for yourself
is to love your company and to do that you have to love yourself
The best gift you can give yourself is to know God and love him
The best trait to have is “knowing what you want and not settling for less”
The greatest joy in life is achieving all you need to and being surrounded by people worthy of your love
The greatest knowledge is realising that “you’re your best friend and your worst enemy”
The highest level of peace is achieved when you accept that you can’t control situations of life because of several variables
But you can determine the outcome of each situation
By either tackling the challenges or giving up
To be truly happy, I believe one needs to have four major things
God, because with Him you’ll understand life. With God, you’ll be happy here and after. With God, you’ll be at peace
Money, because how can you enjoy the good things of life without it
Loved ones, because what good is money with no one to enjoy it with you.
Finally, the last thing you need is a purpose. A reason to keep waking up every morning. When you’re grey and old looking back to know if your life was wasted or well spent. A reason to keep pushing each day when life knocks you down.
With these four things you, you can add or subtract as you please but you need to remember that happiness is a choice at the end of the day.