

Never a judge a Woman
She is exhausted
She is tired,
You see those lines on her forehead shine ...

She is murmuring,
She is anxious
You see her hands on her torso as if her pain is a pine....

She wants to work
She is ready to cook,
You just ignore her anger to the core....

She loves you a lot,
She is angry, and
You think she is on you always like an open door...

No! Never Not ...
It's her body, she is in her40s
A lot of changes and bones are becoming weak
She wants to be active but those aches and pains
Her body can't tolerate ....

But remember she gave birth
And yes she is powerful !!!
She is a fighter
She still wants to work....

Just ignore her anger,
Praise a little all her efforts
You try and bring her smile back,
When she is in pain
Your smile
Will boost her up!!!
After all she is your better half,
She is your mum,
She is your sister and what not!!!

© divyasingh