

In darkness' shadows ever deep, where silence weaves, A haunting realm, where fear conceives. Whispers crawl, like spectral wraiths,
Through haunted halls, where terror bathes.

Moonlight wanes, the night descends,
In a symphony of dread, where darkness bends.
Echoes of despair, a chilling rhyme, As ghostly fingers trace each spine.

Ebon tendrils, a spectral dance, Embrace the heart in a cold trance. Phantoms linger, their eyes ablaze, Lost souls trapped in this ghostly maze.

Creaking floors, a ghostly choir, In the haunted house of darks desire. A shiver crawls, a spine does chill, In the abyss where shadows spill.

The clock ticks slow, an endless toll, As
nightmares breed and nightmares stroll.
Beware the night, where demons dream,
In the haunted echoes of silent screams.

A moonless void, where shadows breed,
The air is thick with the cursed seed.
Footsteps unheard, but echoes loud,
As specters weave a ghastly shroud.

A mirror reflects an empty stare,
Whispers rise, a morbid prayer.
In corners crept with unseen eyes,
The ominous truth, no disguise.

Hollow echoes of a distant howl,
In this spectral realm, time would prowl.
Decaying whispers of forgotten lore,
A labyrinth of nightmares to explore.

The walls close in with whispers cold,
A tale of terror forever told.
Each breath seized in the grip of fright,
In the haunted hour, endless night.

In every murmur, a specter's breath,
A dance of doom, the dance of death.
Beware the shadows, the dark's embrace,
As nightmare's grip leaves no trace.

Through the veil of the eerie gloom,
Echoes resonate in the soul's dark room.
A symphony of fear in the quiet abyss,
Where haunting echoes steal your bliss.

So tread with care in this spectral land,
Where fear and darkness go hand in hand.
In the realm of shadows, a chilling rhyme,
A never-ending dance with the hands of time.
© Brian C. Jobe