

Peaceful Destruction
Til now I denied myself the oxygen to live on here, my dominion over the destruction of my being never made my heart tremble.

I've lost myself time and time again chasing rainbows in the dark, I cried out for absolution before even knowing my crimes.
I've lived for others til it burnt out my nerves, I've lived selfishly seeking only my relief of the burden of life.

How did you come along throwing your heart at me like I asked for it? I get by not looking both ways don't leave yourself unguarded.
There's no point following the me who lives not noticing or caring about the speed bumps of life.

Do I look human? because no matter how hard I look in the mirror or tried to feel they just aren't there, I have a heart made to only process blood.

Take your humanity and move on, you can't hope to create a better version of me because I have already reached the best.

I live unfeeling and numb to protect others, if my heart lived by emotion there would be no where to run and I could not stop the deluge of pain set upon those in my path.

© CM