

What is your reason for existence?
Why are you present here?
But hold on, what really occurred
That now you show care?

In the past, you would stroll...
In a manner of a fool, you would roll...
Without any pondering or care...
Just maintaining an air of coolness there...

Why now you suddenly
want to understand?
Who said you are needed
in this performance?

Do you believe that you are
here for profound cause....
And if you even cease to exist
its a consequencial loss.....

Believe me you are nothing
but a mere speck of dust......
You don't matter in the
Function of this vast universe......

But yet you have an impact
on the lives of many
When showing concern
You shape their destiny

When you show them they are
integral part of your world
Your well being matters then
For even there existence

You make them feel crucial
About there individual role......
That there being here matters
In the society as a whole.......

Where you are a tiny bug
In a painting of a rain forest......
Which is only noticed
When obeserving it closely......
© PradnyaBhide