

I am Not Alone...
I'm not alone...

Did you come to know
I'm alone and visited me?
Or did you come to erase my loneliness?

Did you save me from being trapped
in the dark fist of loneliness?
Did you suggest me to be safe..
Did you console the crying,
lonely child sitting alone?

Yes. You did.!! Everything for me.

I'll never forget the love and care
you've shown me.
I live for you, and my life is because of you.
Even if you're far away,
I feel like you're near me.
Every day, chatting with you is my routine.

I have new stories to tell you...
I will bring you to imagination world.
We've discussed so many things and
cleared our minds.
Always be with me, my friend,
until the end of life.
Let's live with the turmoil of life.

We are both not cheating on anyone,
let's have some peace of mind,
and let's have some space too.

© Writer Sindhu Bhargava