

The Delusional Glass
The glass shines and brightly glitters
It creates illusions to which I look
& think: Must it be the nature of it
to decieve the eyes of an innocent?

Again I raise the same question
This time not to glass, but to world
where all the creature reside
"Why is it that you appear to be a false friend
hiding under the veils as if you're a coward?"

But now I know
It is not the glass that strikes me
The only thing that's befooled me
is the way I look at it's nature
'For the beauty lies in the eyes of beholder'

What I try to find in those glittering curves
& that I'm accustomed to always look at
Reflects purely the notions of mine
Never have I wished to seek the true nature of it
for what the 'sculptor' has 'sculpted' for me!

It serves it's purpose well
for it beholds any liquid served in it.

Truly, we've forgotten the nature of His creation
This world offers us unconditionally
and asks nothing from us in return
except to love it's creatures when it's our turn.