

Heartbroken 💔
In the depths of sorrow, where shadows reside,
A heart once whole, now shattered inside.
A love once cherished, now torn apart,
Leaving scars of anguish etched on this heart.

A symphony of pain, a melancholy tune,
Echoes of longing beneath a tear-stained moon.
The promises whispered, now lost in the wind,
Leaving behind a wounded soul to mend.

The world seems colorless, devoid of light,
A canvas of emptiness, a starless night.
Memories linger, like ghosts in the mist,
Haunting the corners where happiness once kissed.

Yet amidst the wreckage, resilience finds its way,
A flicker of hope, a dawn after the gray.
For a heart that's been broken can still learn to heal,
To find strength in vulnerability, to again feel.

Through tears and anguish, a phoenix shall rise,
Embracing the pain as it reaches the skies.
For scars are but reminders of battles fought,
A testament to the love that once was sought.

So let the heart grieve, let the tears freely flow,
For healing takes time, as all brokenness knows.
But remember, dear soul, that love will find its place,
And mend the shattered pieces with a gentle embrace.

For within the depths of heartbreak's bitter art,
Lies the resilience to rebuild, to restart.
And from the fragments, a stronger heart shall bloom,
Wiser, braver, ready to embrace love's sweet perfume.
© IAmWord