

If I could call him mine
Falling for you was not a myth
Selflessly loving you was not a joke
chasing you in my life felt surreal
Slowly and steadily your scars felt like mine
Slowly and steadily your unspoken words filled me in a state of uncertainty

As my heart flutters while seeing you at first glance
and my mind felt enigmatic for a while
adorable eyes , smile and everything about him makes me believe as if soulmates do exists
In the world of boys he was a true gentlemen
loving and caring having a heart of gold
atleast for once if I could call him mine

Suppresseing my feelings wasn't easy
Secretly admiring him with my open heart
Believing in the statement true love do exists
Felt like fairytale romcoms do exists
As falling for you felt unreal
Falling for him echoes on my heart , a sense of affection whispers on my soul

Beneath my heart, my love for him is always true
words aren't enough to glorify my feelings for you
Loving him to the moon and back
A state of unworthiness making me feel uneasy to my feelings and my heart
wondering as if confessions aren't my thing
Realising my self worth inside my soul
makes me wonder for atleast once if he could me mine

Eyes searching for him in crowds
As world seems incomplete without him
I would always always call him mine
Forever and ever

© pureverse