

I think therefore I am
How do I see myself,
What do I really think of me?
Am I something of value?
Am I where I am meant to be?
In this world, am I just a display?
Or does my existence even matter,
like that of those trees,
Or those fishes in the seas.
How about you my friend?
What do you see in yourself?
Do you think you're a winner?
Or do you see yourself a loser.
Descartes' philosophy helped me,
Lot of realizations came to mind,
Where people's validation of us should never matter.
Behold! The power of mind. It's true.
What you think of yourself is what you are.
If you think you are beautiful, then you are,
Convincing yourself you're not, then you maybe right,
For mirrors are voiceless, can't argue nor can fight.
If you think you are worthless then you are, if you think you are not valuable, then you are not.
If you think something bad will happen today, then something will, but if you have set your mind that this will be a wonderful day, then it will be.
You see, whatever your mind conceive, it is what it is, because your mind say so.And you believe in your thoughts with such conviction that no matter the outcome of that idea conceived in your mind, it is what you have expected.
In pursuit of our goals,it's real, 'You can achieve anything you set your mind to', yes! You can achieve!take with you that persevering spirit!
I think therefore I am, so I see and think of  myself as a VALUABLE  HUMAN BEING ,despite the flaws I have,the mistakes I've made and my past failures, I think I still have something of value and that I can offer it to others. Thus, I strongly believe  that makes me what and who I am.
© aadieaudry

My self help belief and realization in Rene Descartes' philosophy.