

Wisdom Whispers

Childhood was all about being carefree,
We were guided by our parents and their experiences,
Back then we rebelled to things they said,
But their guidance was from the wisdom they had attained...

Today our youth is spent in worries,
Deciding the future, decoding life's mysteries,
Wish someone had told us when we were young,
We will scout through life with our own wisdom...

I learnt no one is indispensable,
Life moves on irrespective of situations,
What has to happen will happen anyway,
We like it or not, life has its own ways...

Everything happens for a reason,
Unknown to us are the results,
Leave it on time is what I have learnt,
Having faith in life is the only answer...

© Polkola
#lifelesson #faith #Time #wisdom #experience #Life&Life