

untalented prodigy

"Untalented prodigy"

I'm more perfect than any human could be,
but my heart seems to differ,
did I not receive the blood of Aphrodite

"I have read the secrets of the universe,
Yet when I searched for "Love,"
it only gave me a part of a ripped-up verse"

The heavens seem to agree,
a fool who feeds on knowledge yet unable to find answers,
can only be me

the gods look upon me with disdain,
A creature gifted as such could never find answers
even when blood finally rains

"I am more than any of you combined,
Yet somehow I feel less than any of you"

"Cursed so am I?" My eyes began to bleed
searching for such questions; why?

Love, everyone has it, may it be romantic or unconditional,
The theatre I play always seems fake,
for something natural to be replicated
is nothing like throwing pebbles in a lake.

"I want it,
Let me have it.
I cannot fake it.
Ultimately, I cannot feel it."

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