

What you hide behind your smile?
I hide a lot of emotions, feelings, heartbreaks, quarrels, crying, sadness. My screams; screams to stop body shaming, screams to change the mindset, my tears, my questions that is outer beauty really that important? why can't just everyone just ignore it & admire the inner beauty more. Color, size, body shape all this is gonna fade away after a certain period of time. What's gonna remain constant is inner beauty--- Nature, behaviour, thoughts, personality.
What you hide behind your smile?
Taunts, comparison, marks, percentage, further responsibiltes, tension.
What you hide behind your smile?
Will I ever be able to stand on my own feet? will I ever be able to make my paretns happy?

what I wonder is how come a simple smile manage to hide so many things.
So what you hide behind your smile?.
© Happywords_28