

Mangal bhavana: Shree Ram
In Ayodhya's embrace, a prince so divine,
Shree Ram, noble and valiant, his virtues shine.
Bow in hand, arrows swift, justice in his gaze,
Rama, the righteous, in a righteous maze.

Sita, his beloved, radiant and pure,
Love that endured, steadfast and sure.
Lakshman, the loyal, by his side,
In the epic tale, where virtues abide.

Vanquishing evil, with courage untold,
Ravana's demise, a tale of old.
In the heart of devotees, his name echoes,
Shree Ram, embodiment of virtues he bestows.

From exile to triumph, a journey profound,
Lessons of dharma, in each step, are found.
In the epic Ramayana, his story unfolds,
A saga of righteousness, in timeless scrolls.