

Into the flames rising out of a setting sun, I draw in a deep breath before I run... So afraid of the hurt that you always bring upon me.

My pain is fire, tears are floods.
Noah's flood is coming,
and it's on fire,
I ride this fired flood!
unstoppable... Unbreakable!

This is me,
the one you made to cry!
the one you hurt beyond compare!
the one you threw away!

I am,
the one you have made!

Coming with an ocean on fire.
stronger than what you can ever think.

This is me reborn.

Stronger than before.
Bigger than your dreams.
with a fire in his eyes and
thunder in his steps.

The world bows to me now,
and they also fear me,
but I come with something.

I am now Your God!
I come with mercy,
cause I can never be you.
This rose of peace in my hands.
take it now or be destroyed.