

A Tale of Fortune
Fortune on his throne sat
and four pages at
his stool should be
but one at his stool be
one at the door stayed
one placeless and the fourth outside.
The first the eyes of fortune was and
for fortune he with all his heart loved
and fortune he loved in return
so daily at the stool fortune
his arm stretched
and this page many received.
The second the eyes of fortune was and
for fortune he with all his heart loved
but fortune he loved not
so daily he sat away at the doormat
until through the door fortune passed
and fortune unto him looked.
The third to fortune deserved naught
for fortune looked not at him but
fortune he dearly loved
and he always admired
so daily at fortune's throne he stayed
but in sending him on errands fortune delighted.
The fourth to fortune was naught deserved
for fortune looked not at him and
fortune he also loved not
he loved fortune so he thought
so daily he outside the court stood
and fortune by his side moved.


© Imole Olusanya